Saubona! Greetings Nubian Messengers Supporters, Family and Friends!

Fans and Supporters of Nubian Messengers Ancient Future Ensemble.
Nubian Messengers A.F.E. Thank you for your past support, endorsement and encouragement. We have been nurtured by your continued support and love which has encouraged us to find ways to continue our creativity during this time of social isolation.
Inspired by the recent dance videos posted on social media outlets, Nubian Messengers A.F.E. is proud to announce the release of our newest single, MAMA AFRIKA!.
MAMA AFRIKA! was crafted during the COVID19 lockdown by each member recording a track, then forwarding it to the next member to add their creativity to the song. Finally, band members Adeyemi Konscious & Mwata Nubian wrote and added the lyrics. Mwata’s lyrics are in Spanish and both perform their verses on the recording! All of this was done to support finding ways to keep us dancing, reaching out to the various dominions in the diaspora and celebrating life when even breathing in the presence of others appears to be deadly.
If you have enjoyed the music of Nubian Messengers A.F.E. in the past, please follow the links below to your favorite music distribution source to hear our latest release, MAMA AFRIKA!
Below is a FREE DOWNLOAD for YOU! It is in advance of our official release which will be Friday, May 15th, when the free download offer will end at midnight. Just click on the Nubian Messengers website link and you will see the Yellow Free Download button:
Thank you So very much for this comment!
I love it! 🌟 You did it again, Nubian Messengers! Another hot tune!🔥 Congratulations!!